SEN - Special Educational Needs

SEN - Special Educational Needs.

Our Local Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Offer

How will Barton Pre-School know if my child needs additional help?

We believe that working in partnership with parents is a necessity to promote positive development with their child and is first call for any concerns.
Prior to starting pre-school some children will already have been identified with SEN.
We are committed to early identification of special educational needs and through following guidelines from SEN Code of Practice 2015 and help from outside agencies, adopt a graduated response to meeting special educational needs.
Parents will be kept informed at all stages in the process of identification and assessment of needs.  They are invited to participate in discussions linked to the support planned for their child.
Who are the key people in Barton Pre-School available to discuss parental/carers concerns about their child’s additional needs?

Parents/Carers who are concerned about the progress or wellbeing of their child should speak to their child’s Key person who will then liaise with the SENCO as appropriate.
Our Preschool SENCO is Dawn Kelly and supporting her is Cathy Atkinson

How will parents/carers be informed about their child’s progress and how will it be measured?

Children are assessed using development milestones taken from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the Department of Education document “Early Years Outcomes”. 
For further advice we also refer to the Central Bedfordshire Guidance on SEND in the Early Years a Graduated Approach 2015.

In partnership with parents, the key person and SENCO consider a child’s needs and their progress using the Central Bedfordshire SEND Support plan.  Progress meetings involve the parents, SENCO, child’s Key Person and any other outside agencies or staff who may be supporting the child.
A referral may be made to the Central Bedfordshire Early Years Allocation meeting requesting an Early Years Initial Assessment by one of our early years professional teams.

Our SEN Policy states “We believe that all children have an equal right to education, including those with special educational needs.”  We recognise that working with parents/carers is paramount to enabling children with SEND to achieve their potential.  We recognise that parents/carers hold key information and have knowledge and experience to contribute to a shared view of the child’s needs and make valuable contributions of how to support them.
Medical needs are addressed as required by a care plan in partnership with parents and relevant Health Professionals.  Medicines are administered in line with our Medication Policy.


What other different types of support can the child receive?

Support for children may vary according to their individual needs or medical needs and may include:

Routines and activities may be adapted to meet individual needs and visual timetables may be provided.  Alternative communication systems, e.g. Makaton or Picture cards as advised by Speech and Language Service or the Early Years Support team.
A child may be supported by the Early Years Support Team (EYST) who will visit the setting to offer advice and support.
1:1 or small group work to address outcomes specified in a child’s SEND Support Plan.
Additional funding may be provided to the setting by Central Bedfordshire Early Years Allocation meeting following an Early Years Initial Assessment.  This will enable staff to spend time with a child to put in place strategies recommended.


What support is in place to meet children’s physical needs?

Our Preschool building has been purpose built with easy wheelchair access, adult and child disabled toilet facilities.
We will follow advice given by Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists reports and staff will work with children either individually or in small groups.
We always have a qualified Paediatric First Aider in Pre-School.
We have a  member of staff who has been on training for Managing Diabetes in schools.
Where necessary staff will undertake up to date Epi Pen and Asthma training. We have staff with Epi-Pen training 
We comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (2010) in making reasonable adjustments for children with SEND.
We welcome children in nappies and those being toilet trained.
What other agencies can provide support to children with SEND?

We work closely with a range of outside agencies to support children with SEND.  They contribute through providing observations, reports and advice for staff and parents.
Agencies may include:

Local Authority Early Years SEND Advisory Teachers (Psychology and Advisory Support Service)
Early Years Support Team (EYST)
Child Bereavement, Trauma and Emotional Wellbeing Service (CHUMS)
Speech and Language Therapy Service (S&LT)
Occupational Therapy (OT)
School and Community Nursing Service
The Hearing Impaired Team (HI)
The Visually Impaired Team (VI)
What specialist training do staff have in SEND?

Staff have experience with children with autism and diabetes. 

We have members of staff with Understanding Autism Level 2 

We have members of staff with Makaton Training and BSL Training 

We have specialist training in Level 3 Speech and Language.

Our SENCO has Level 3 Early years SENCO , Our supporting SENCO will be starting her training very soon